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Creative Aptitude Screening (CAS)

What Does it Mean: A creative screening aimed at helping parents, students, and counselors understand creative strengths and weaknesses.

Made with input from psychological researchers.


Who is it For?

Students between grades 6-12 who want to be evaluated for creative strengths and weaknesses.

Parents, counselors, or education consultants  who want to evaluate students for creative careers and profile building.

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How Does it Work?


Make the payment using the link below, and the DSL team will reach out within 3 working days to schedule your screening.



The screening takes approximately one hour (maximum) and is conducted online. The parent/child/counselor will be sent details of the test and the areas it covers.



After the student attempts the screening, the DSL team takes 3-5 days to evaluate and revert with results.

The evaluation is qualitative, customized to each student, with recommendations for profile building, creative courses, and material the student can further pursue.

Pricing Plans

Embark on a creative journey with our CAS Test. Tailored plans include CAS with E-mail or Call Evaluation, offering personalized insights to nurture your potential. Elevate your skills and shape a vibrant creative future.

CAS Email Evaluation


Unlock comprehensive insights with CAS screening and personalized assessment through expert email evaluation for your creative journey.

CAS Call Evaluation


Enhance your creative journey with CAS screening and personalized insights where a DSL team member takes you through the results over an hour long call.

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